Monday, September 14, 2009

Traveling Personality

Hello all,

I'm currently stuck in travel hell. I'm not sure what it is, the place, the company... ok I'm pretty sure it is the company.

Look, sorry to be so blunt, and maybe I shouldn't write about this on here, but some people I've traveled with in the past year have driven me crazy while traveling with them.

It seems that traveling can either bring out the best in a friend, or the worst.
People you thought you knew perfectly well, yeah scap that. No way that you know them, not until you have had to deal with airline delays, bus transfers into the middle of nowhere and tube lines not running. Once you've done all that, perhaps you have an idea of who they are. At least what their traveling personality is like.

Perhaps it is because I do so much of it, but when I travel, I'm here to have fun. Experience the adventure, see the sites...
I couldn't think of a worse way to spend a day than getting all in a twist about the little things that can, and believe me, will go wrong.

At this point I'm seriously considering going home early. And further more taking the person I really care about on a vacation just to see how his personality deals with all of the ins and outs of international experiences.

What a mess and what a poor idea. Lesson learned. I will be so much more careful about who I choose to go on vacation with in the future.

Note to the next person on my flight benefits - BE NICE and be prepared to have fun, otherwise you are officially not going with me anywhere.

Desperately yours,


Thursday, September 10, 2009

And Now Our New Place

We found a cute little one story walk up in Prospect Park that is just that we've painted :)

The walls are now "lilac machiato" and the ceiling and trim are pure white. The carpets I could do nothing about - green, but with the lilac I must say I don't hate them as much as I used to.

Come and visit people! We now have a cozy house to let you stay at! :)

More Pics of Our House...

Our House...

Ok so last week I moved out of the crazy social experiment I had gotten myself into called SurrealEstate in Bushwick Brooklyn.

The morning before I packed everything up I went around snapping some shots of the insane setting I had been living in for the past three months.

Thought it was freaky enough to share so here goes...