Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Years, Back to Paris for a Day, Boston and Back In Training - Woooo

As the title of this entry suggests the past few weeks have been a bit of a usual. But I must say - that is how I like it. I'm still happiest when I'm burning the candle at both ends and packing as much into this life as I can.

As my Mother keeps reminding me (and thank you Mom, I need it) - it is important to take a breather every once and a while. So that is what I'm up to tonight - taking a breather to sit at home and blog about all of the crazy things I've been up to :)

New Years Eve is where I left off last. As Geoffrey and I were both without company for New Years, we decided to spend it together as Fag and Fag Hag - a close to perfect date.

We went to the only bar in Queens we could walk to without freezing along the way - The Kew Club. New friends lined the bar and the bar tenders - yes we do know five of them - were there to greet us with drinks, hats, warm smiles, and shouts of "Happy New Year!"

After meeting up with some even newer friends, we made our way to two other local spots and rang the new year in over G&Ts and dancing.
Here is a pic of Geoffrey done up in our New Years Eve gear:

Next up on the slate of recent activities is my next flight. It took off on January 1st and I unfortunately was not in the best shape for it. I hurt my back very badly the night before - I know everyone thinks just because it was New Years Eve that my injury had something to do with some depraved fun, but it didn't.
In any event I showed up for the flight and actually managed to do the flight and then forced myself into Paris because I wanted to see friends who were still on their Xmas holiday and would probably be back at work the next time I was going to be in the city.

So was it worth it? Absolutely. The flight was wonderful, everyone was very helpful and kind and I learned a lot once again. The trip into Paris that day was also totally worth it. I hadn't seen Amy or Tzu Chien for over a year and I really missed them (still do, the day with them was too short).

The only catch for the day was this - I felt like a smuggled in good. Amy and Tzu Chien live right down the street from the X so they didn't want to hang out in their own neighborhood. It made me a bit sad that once again I couldn't just hang out with my friends because of my past history with Christian.

Oh well. Perhaps, and hopefully, it will be better next time.

Ok enough about the X - some pics I took on my first trip that I forgot to put up last time. Me - the room I stay in etc.
Hope you enoy :)

So being the crazy girl who loves to travel - of course I said yes when a few days later Geoff asked me if I wanted to go to Boston with him :)

I'd never been to Boston and have wanted to go for years. It was a great idea - I Love Boston!

What did we do mostly? Party :) Here is a pic of me dancing at a club with "Greek One and Greek Two." It makes me smile that they were introduced like Dr. Suiss characters - but seriously they were really nice guys and we had a great time dancing.

Sorry it is so dark, pic captured by Geoff on his cell phone.

We did get out to see the city a bit on Friday, but it was freezing cold! So I didn't get too many great pics. Here are a couple of my favorites:

Sites of Boston:

And every morning after we hit the town the night before - one of us looked like this...

Firsts I've experienced the last few weeks - Boston, First Time in Paris Alone, First New Years in NY, First Time Shoveling Snow :), First Road Trip From NY where I got to drive back to NY and call it home!
I'd say all in all it has been a great couple of weeks.

Now I'm back in training and I must say that I'm ready to fly again. I'm more ready to just have a routine. I'm a junkie for new experiences, cultures, foods, sights and sounds - but everyone needs a home to come back to and month three of living out of a suit case...well it is starting to take its toll.

This week - finding an apt. More later and I'll keep you posted.

Hugs to everyone!

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