Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My wonderful Mother

It is not often that I have a new memory spring up so I thought this warranted a blog entry.

My cool roommate Emily put on a record this evening that made me pause the Eddie Izzard stand up playing in the background on my computer.

I would call the music "kitchen music." I came up with this nick name because I always think of my mother playing this type of music in the kitchen while she and I made something delicious.
Of course dancing around like happy fools with whatever kitchen utensil serving as a microphone.

This evening I danced around just like that in my kitchen. Then one particular song came on and brought back a memory. The song is Goodnight, well it's time to go by Chuck Berry.

She used to sing it to me when it was time to go to bed, complete with the perfect "bum bum bum bum" in silly base. Of course I never wanted to go to bed and only begrudgingly smiled back at her when she started this ritual, but now I look back on it with genuine affection.

In short that song and all "kitchen music" will always remind me of my fantastically cool mother and what joy she brought to my childhood.

She and I still get down in case you were wondering ;) We did so most recently on Thanksgiving. It was a blast and this time I have a video to help me remember the occasion in years to come (can't post it though, we are in our pre-coffee splendor and I'm sure she wouldn't want that on the web).

I will however add this link to the song that made me smile this evening...

1 comment:

  1. Sweet. I love you too. You need to know that the boom boom was usually done by your father. He sang the base part. I don't ever remember singing it in French, but that would have been nice. I'll learn it now. Hah! Thanksgiving together was a blast. So glad you came home. Lots of love bonita puckalita.
