Saturday, March 7, 2009

From One Extreme to...

I woke up smiling.

Amazing how things can change so quickly. The sun came out finally and with it my heart has the giddy anticipation of spring and good things to come.

I'm preparing for my next trip which is tomorrow. For once I find that I have more interest in staying here in NY than in traveling to Paris.

1 comment:

  1. Very classy look. I like it.
    And the times they are a'changin' ... again. In spite of all the troubles people are facing, it's a good time for change. Some are good like spring and re-dedication to principles and taking positive action to make a difference.
    Some changes fit better with the ancient Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
    It's up to each of us to decide WHICH changes we want to become the norm in our lives.
    I like the changes you're making. I hope you do too. Instead of the Chinese proverb, I wish for you a more immediate blessing, a glorious Spring and a peaceful heart.
