Thursday, March 5, 2009

Making me Feel Better About 2008

In a discussion I had with a friend last night I/we had a moment where we realized that almost a year has gone by since I moved back to NC from Atlanta.

The panic that set in at the idea of having "lost" a full year almost was alleviated by one thought: "What new experiences have I had this year?"

To which I was able to answer:

First time I...

Left a bad relationship for good.

Died my hair (highlights, I did them last night)

Traveled to England, Amsterdam, Boston and Toronto

Worked for myself

Had a relationship that I can honestly look back on and feel good about

Got a job I desperately wanted and had to work hard to get

Moved to a new State on my own

Joined an underground dinner party group and attended one dinner...yum and what fun

Had a photographer do a session with me where I was the model (and shock of all shocks I posed nude - sorry Mom and Dad if that is a bit more than you wanted to know)

Had my first show as a photographer

Sold my first pieces of art work

Made new friends on my own as an adult (I know this sounds silly, but making friends in Atlanta is hard and even harder when you have a crazy husband)

Finally read Harry Potter

New clubs in Boston and Manhattan - loved most of them (danced on the bar at Coyote Ugly - crazy fun)

Saw my first Burlesque show

Saw Leonard Cohen in concert (thank you, thank you, thank you Joseph!!!)

Sold my truck (never actually sold a vehicle before, odd, but true)

Got my first real piercing

Took a Salsa class

Tried Dragon Fruit (sooo good)

Purchased my first knock off designer bag from a back room in China Town

Learned several programs for editing photographs

Rented two places I wanted to live in (still haven't ever lived on my own, that might be next year, we'll have to see)

Navigated the NYC subway on my own

Had to give up a dog that I still dearly miss because it was and is better for her to be with another family

Found a way to be thankful for all of the help I received from my friends and family in doing all of the above without feeling guilty for not being able to give as much back in return (this was, and still sometimes is, a big deal for me).

So not a horrible year all in all. A few things are now on the "yes I have actually done that" list that I certainly wanted to be added. So many more to go though. Which brings me to my next section - what am I going to do this year?

This year I set out to accomplish/experience the following:

Go to Greece, Bali and part of Thailand. As well as explore as much of Amsterdam and Paris as I can. I'd also like to get to Morocco and at least one country with my Mom (her choice since I travel so much already).

Visit my Grandparents in New Mexico

Actually start being healthy again - drink less, stop smoking, work out, loose weight etc. etc.

Have a major break through with my photography so I can do that for a living instead of working as a flight attendant

Go to as many theatre events, gallery openings, museums and cultural events in general as I can.

Get another piercing, possibly a tattoo (I've not decided on that second part yet)

Move my dog back in with me - I really miss Natalie!

Find a lasting healthy wonderful relationship that works for me and the other party involved (if that is I want to be in a relationship at all, which I'm a bit on the fence about at the moment, but ultimately I think I do want that)

Get a divorce (I guess rationally this one might need to come before the "find a relationship" bit, but what can I say, divorce hasn't really been on the top of my list lately)

Get the mole on my face removed (not sure if I will be able to afford this one, but it would be so nice to have done)

Go and see the band IAMX perform in Paris (please let me have a trip to Paris where I'm there for the night they play!)

See a band at The Knitting Factory

Continue living in NYC in the LES if that is really the district I end up loving

Try as many new foods as possible

Wait for what I really want instead of what is right in front of me that I feel like I should do because of boredom, or the fear of missing something I shouldn't


That is all I can think to put on the list right now.
Here's to some hard work, good fun and as much packed into the next 365 as possible :)

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